This is my EDCI 339 learning portfolio.

Category: Response Posts

Response Post for Meaghan

Hi Meaghan,

Thank you for your post. I really liked the layout of your post- the headers, visuals, and overall design was thoughtful. I also appreciated the references your included at the bottom, this is helpful and also important to provide credit to the appropriate sources. This is something I should probably be doing in my own blog posts. I especially enjoyed the section under “theories and technological developments to current education practices” where your discuss the pandemic’s impact. I think the pandemic really highlighted how powerful technology can be in education, and also how frequently we use technology in education without even realizing. Now, I couldn’t imagine school without the use of technology in education, even down to Brightspace. Keep up the great work!

Response Post for Xavier

Hi Xavier,

Thank you for your post. Like many of our peers I’m sure, I too use Brightspace as my primary platform for classes at UVic. Using Brightspace definitely has been a learning curve for me, especially in navigating course sites. With that being said, I do appreciate all it has to offer in providing an accessible place to learn and keep up on work. My suggestion moving forward with our weekly blog posts would be to utilize headers and opt in to more resources/visual learning aids. Adding headers can help organize your writing, making it easier to follow. I think a couple photos could also elevate your work further! Great work!

Response Post for Melanie

Hi Melanie!

Thank you for your post. I appreciated how you were able to link your person experiences in creating a whiteboard animation to this week’s post. This personal touch was so impactful and added depth to your post. I also enjoyed your perspective on the reading. I was born in 2004, so your perspective challenged mine (you being a 90s baby). For example, I just thought YouTube was always around, where as for you this was a big deal in the world of technology. Something I will consider using in my blog posts moving forward is your “conclusion” header. It was a nice way to wrap things up and provide a little summary for the reader. Great work!